Thursday, 18 June 2009

Campaigning in Gosport

After a hard days work - I went down to Gosport this evening to do some canvassing. They are fighting a by-election at the moment after the two sitting Lib Dem Councillors (husband &wife), resigned their seats and emmigrated to Australia. Justin Henshaw & Brian Taylor are standing for the Consevatives in the Brockhurst ward, election day is July 9th.
I met up with hard working Constituency Chairman - Alan Scard, and two others and we canvassed for a good couple of hours. We were very well recieved and spoke to many Conservative Supporters. Considering this is Sir Peter Viggers current constituency (the MP that submitted a claim for a Duck House), the expenses issue wasn't that prevalent on the doorstep - although of course some people did bring it up. People are starting to again be more interested in which local councillor is going to get a pothole fixed, a grass verge cut back or their sign repaired. I am sure the Conservative Candidates will make great local Councillors for Brockhurst.

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