At a meeting of Test Valley Borough Council's full Council on Monday I asked the Housing Portfolio holder Cllr Sandra Hawke about a capital grant to be spent improving the Atholl Court shop area in King Arthur’s way as part of the Turnaround project. The Turnaround project has been a great success and I very much welcome this cash injection of 50k to improve the area. I asked her, what was being done? What consultation had taken place? And when the work was due to start?
This was her response;
"This money is allocated for repair and refurbishment of King Arthurs Hall, and the enhancement of the area around Atholl Court shops. These properties are owned by TVBC, and since the start of the Turnaround Project, and subsequent formation of the Community Association, the Hall and the successful Askalot shop are increasingly used as expanding community facilities for the Alamein ward.
Informal consultations were held with the Community Association and local people using both the Hall and the shops, to ask what they saw as most needed, and as a result the upgrade will include new windows, with shutters, the main entrance, upgrade of toilets, external lighting and general improvement to the outside areas. The first phase of the upgrade will begin as soon as the plans and costings are completed”.
When the plans are completed I will update you on when the work is due to start and the exact details of what is proposed.